The soul is awakened at 6 am, ready for a day full of enjoyment - a road trip awaiting. Grab a mug from the kitchen cupboard and seamlessly flick the switch to boil the water in the kettle whilst rummaging for the coffee beans on the top shelf somewhere. Oh, how I wish I drank coffee. Wiping the sleep from your eyes, you softly pour the rest of last nights wine into the sink from the glass. While you hear the sound of the water coming to an almost boil, you get distracted by the window behind the sink that lets you gaze upon a beautiful summers day. The air is calm, the grass is lush and green, and birdsong is floating through the early morning atmosphere. A good day for a road trip, you quietly think to yourself, a good day. Then you sit with your mug filled up to the brim on the couch by the bay window. No rushing, there is a calm and lacksadasical attitude at this time of the morning and it is nice.
Once ready, you reach for your keys, swipe your bag off the floor and fix your hair in the mirror before you slip your sandals on and head out to your well earned car. It is a pride in your life, a BMW has to be after all. Series 3 convertible, of course. My dream car... One day... So you open the top and let the morning air fly by you as you head out into the unknown. You don't exactly have a plan, you just know there are places; secret and beautiful that you must find and visit. You have an intuition, you've always seemed to have a special knack at that. You're driving for miles, you think you are possibly getting lost but then, that's happened before so you don't mind all that much. Always lost. You make a stop, you're bursting; maybe it was all that coffee an hour ago to make you alert.

All of a sudden, without thinking, just taking the good feeling in. You just jump into the water, the coolness cleansing you from the inside and out. You didn't realise you had been working up a little bit of a sweat until your body was all cold that you shivered. It felt good, and you have a lovely little swim.

The sun looks like it's heading southwards so you decide to swim back to land and start heading back to the car, if you can find it. You walk for miles until you're tired, and you start recognising your hunger. The atmosphere feels cooler overall, but maybe it's the fact you took a jump off a cliff into the wide ocean. Or, that the sun is close to setting and the night is where it's almost at. At least you had a day away, a day feeling yourself and the lovely beauty of the Earth that surrounds you.

Once ready, you reach for your keys, swipe your bag off the floor and fix your hair in the mirror before you slip your sandals on and head out to your well earned car. It is a pride in your life, a BMW has to be after all. Series 3 convertible, of course. My dream car... One day... So you open the top and let the morning air fly by you as you head out into the unknown. You don't exactly have a plan, you just know there are places; secret and beautiful that you must find and visit. You have an intuition, you've always seemed to have a special knack at that. You're driving for miles, you think you are possibly getting lost but then, that's happened before so you don't mind all that much. Always lost. You make a stop, you're bursting; maybe it was all that coffee an hour ago to make you alert.
You can see the wood from the trees, nothing but trees, and the morning mist appears from the dew that has settled. Once you feel relieved, you enter deeper and deeper, weaving in and out of the trees just wandering around aimlessly having nice thoughts and feeling the mist on your face as you breeze by; the water feeling refreshing against the pores of your skin. You start to think that maybe this is going to be your adventure for the day, this is where the day is taking you.

Out came the sun, as the undergrowth stretched all around you, the trees getting lost in the midst of the leafy green. It makes you feel wide-eyed and a smile suddenly creeps up from the corner of your soft, silky lips. You walk, and walk; you're not tired even though the sun is slowly getting more intense. It must be almost 11 by now. You left all the distractions safely locked in your car (your bag containing your cell phone, some gum, a pack of malboro's and cards.) All you have is some cash and loose change, your keys, and a Capri-sun in the back pocket of the skinny jeans that make your thighs look so slender. No plans, no distractions, nothing that makes you feel like you belong or that there is anyone else in the world. You like that feeling, you take it in, take a gulp of the Capri-sun and carry on.
You wonder upon a cliff, never realising you had walked that far. It's not very high, with the ocean below. You feel on top of the world; endorphins running through you, the sun in full blaze and everything above and below. You take a minute, outstretch your arms and scream out loud. "WOOOOOOOOOO!" Wow, that felt great. It always feels good to just let it all out and scream. This is more ecstasy than the climax of sex, you decide. You laugh at that, a small cheeky giggle. You know you should do this more often.
Out came the sun, as the undergrowth stretched all around you, the trees getting lost in the midst of the leafy green. It makes you feel wide-eyed and a smile suddenly creeps up from the corner of your soft, silky lips. You walk, and walk; you're not tired even though the sun is slowly getting more intense. It must be almost 11 by now. You left all the distractions safely locked in your car (your bag containing your cell phone, some gum, a pack of malboro's and cards.) All you have is some cash and loose change, your keys, and a Capri-sun in the back pocket of the skinny jeans that make your thighs look so slender. No plans, no distractions, nothing that makes you feel like you belong or that there is anyone else in the world. You like that feeling, you take it in, take a gulp of the Capri-sun and carry on.
You wonder upon a cliff, never realising you had walked that far. It's not very high, with the ocean below. You feel on top of the world; endorphins running through you, the sun in full blaze and everything above and below. You take a minute, outstretch your arms and scream out loud. "WOOOOOOOOOO!" Wow, that felt great. It always feels good to just let it all out and scream. This is more ecstasy than the climax of sex, you decide. You laugh at that, a small cheeky giggle. You know you should do this more often.
All of a sudden, without thinking, just taking the good feeling in. You just jump into the water, the coolness cleansing you from the inside and out. You didn't realise you had been working up a little bit of a sweat until your body was all cold that you shivered. It felt good, and you have a lovely little swim.
Having the idea, just for fun you decide how long you can breathe underwater. The bubbles floating away, like little pieces of your breath wanting to escape from you. You don't need anyone or anything, you're happy here, you're fine with the nature all around you. At one with it all, you come up for air. You've gotta swim, swim for your life. It feels like it was a lifetime down there.
The sun looks like it's heading southwards so you decide to swim back to land and start heading back to the car, if you can find it. You walk for miles until you're tired, and you start recognising your hunger. The atmosphere feels cooler overall, but maybe it's the fact you took a jump off a cliff into the wide ocean. Or, that the sun is close to setting and the night is where it's almost at. At least you had a day away, a day feeling yourself and the lovely beauty of the Earth that surrounds you.
And then the landscape suddenly turns grey, as night begins to approach and the sun has had it's day. You remember that path, the odd tree over there. Maybe it feels grey because you're going away, and it's time for the dullness and reality to come over again. You have to eat, you have to drive, you have to talk to others and get down to business with everyone. Ugh. By the time you get to the car, you're exhausted. There's a diner not far up ahead, and you decide to stop there for the night. Grabbing a meal of over-cooked fries and a chicken burger, you feel satiated. Mmm, food at last. Along with the pitcher of diet coke to quench your thirst and relieve some of your tiredness. You leave the cash with the bill, and walk out, slowly creeping towards the car. You lock yourself in, extend the seat all the way back and you're pretty much knocked out until the next day.
It's 4 am, you must have passed out early, like 8 or 9 the previous night. You feel like wandering, just a little. Getting out of the car feels good, you stretch your legs; taking wide strides as you walk. You feel fine, and you slept good too. This is how you want to feel all the time, you wish you didn't have to worry about all the stupid things in life. See, because these things; nature, beauty, love. These are the things that matter.

It's 4 am, you must have passed out early, like 8 or 9 the previous night. You feel like wandering, just a little. Getting out of the car feels good, you stretch your legs; taking wide strides as you walk. You feel fine, and you slept good too. This is how you want to feel all the time, you wish you didn't have to worry about all the stupid things in life. See, because these things; nature, beauty, love. These are the things that matter.
There's a bench you come across, by a lake. It must lead to the ocean, you're sure. The ocean you loved and experienced not even 24 hours ago. It's dark but you sit down anyway, you just enjoy the sound of the running water and the good feelings inside of you. Almost instantly, you drift off again. Long day, yawn. Awake, a couple of hours later, you feel a sudden jolt of panic as you don't remember if you locked your car. Jogging back there though, you realise you were wise and have locked it up. You listen to some tunes for a while, keeping your calm. It soothes you, takes you back to that glorious day and all the feelings you encountered. At a suitable time, say 9, you go back into the diner and have pancakes with a drizzling of maple syrup. You need the energy for your adventure isn't quite over yet.
Once again, back to the car with a chocolate milkshake in the cup holder. You head out a little further beyond the diner, just to discover.

Passing a derelict area, it reminds you of Mexico. Though you're not in Mexico at all. You park up and take a walk, just making up movies in your mind. Westerns, only because it feels like the desert. A ghost town. You wonder what the lives of the people that once grazed here were like. You take time to think of how poorly they may have lived, and how you hoped they are somewhere better off now. You get out your phone, put the music player on and start goofing around and dancing. Hi, Highhh!!! You think of nights, hanging tree lights would be appropriate, and inviting your friends to have a good time.
Back to the car, it's almost afternoon. You wave goodbye to the nice time you've had and head back miles away, miles to your apartment.
You see the sea, you take one last stop and breathe the ocean air in. You take one last look and return to your car. Bleh. You wave goodbye, lightly singing a melody while you drive down the road.
As you're driving, you notice some Mexican workers filling up a newly renovated pool. Wonder if they could be those Mexicans from the derelict place. You see a white man on a cell phone who is apparently directing the helicopter above you to place a small palm tree near to the pool. You quickly take out your phone and take a crappy phone shot as you drive by. You wish to have a house like this one day, one day soon. By the ocean so you can be free whenever you want. You smile to yourself, you then carry on looking forwards and onwards you go back to your apartment.

Once again, back to the car with a chocolate milkshake in the cup holder. You head out a little further beyond the diner, just to discover.
Passing a derelict area, it reminds you of Mexico. Though you're not in Mexico at all. You park up and take a walk, just making up movies in your mind. Westerns, only because it feels like the desert. A ghost town. You wonder what the lives of the people that once grazed here were like. You take time to think of how poorly they may have lived, and how you hoped they are somewhere better off now. You get out your phone, put the music player on and start goofing around and dancing. Hi, Highhh!!! You think of nights, hanging tree lights would be appropriate, and inviting your friends to have a good time.
Back to the car, it's almost afternoon. You wave goodbye to the nice time you've had and head back miles away, miles to your apartment.
You see the sea, you take one last stop and breathe the ocean air in. You take one last look and return to your car. Bleh. You wave goodbye, lightly singing a melody while you drive down the road.
As you're driving, you notice some Mexican workers filling up a newly renovated pool. Wonder if they could be those Mexicans from the derelict place. You see a white man on a cell phone who is apparently directing the helicopter above you to place a small palm tree near to the pool. You quickly take out your phone and take a crappy phone shot as you drive by. You wish to have a house like this one day, one day soon. By the ocean so you can be free whenever you want. You smile to yourself, you then carry on looking forwards and onwards you go back to your apartment.
You've parked your car in the garage around the back and you arrive to the front door in the late afternoon. With your bag on your shoulder, you catch a quick glance of the sun and birds swirling above in the sky and you smile. Lovely. One quiet little smile that gives you hope, love and warmth to carry on with your life.
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