Thursday, 14 May 2009

You're supposed to care, but you never make me scream. You never make me scream.

That picture reminds me of the car on the (frozen) lake in American Gods. I want to read that again some time soon. I really want to grab a car, if only I knew how to drive, and in the US at that. I'd drive all over, visit my friends from there, just enjoy that quirky towns, the scenery and culture. Plus, I'd get fat i'm sure. All the DQ's and Taco Bells on the road. I'd take many pictures, I'd be able to breathe and smile and lots of lovely things. I also want to visit mainland Greece too. I think I may be going to some place like the Maldives this summer (before they sink, apparently.) And Australia in September, hopefully.

Well, the boyfriend's off visiting his family in SC this weekend. He promised he'd text lots and that he'd message on myspace. Only one message and one text throughout the whole of the day. The text read, "My cousin's taking me to the beach, wish you could be here and come with me." All the while i'm actually feeling worse, and I don't know about the sleeping thing anymore. He's not very selfless, he knows something's up and yet he'd rather have fun than think about me and what I must be going through. Take, take, take.

Anywaysss, it is my cleaning week and I should really hoover and stuffs. Someone left a nice big stain on the hob AND in the microwave for me to clean. Ugh. I should get some frozen pizza, some ready food and a fizzy drink. The bread can wait till next week. Should really eat more frozen food, pasta and use up the tins. Plus try poptarts and eat more popcorn!

I don't know, I don't write much cool stuff again. I should try and attempt another story soon. It would be cool.

So I'm gonna stop now.
And do something else.
Maybe write a message to someone and then head to bed.
