Thursday, 4 June 2009

Look Who's Stalking/Rat Saw God.

Been watching lots of VM, nearly finished with the whole lot. Hopefully I will be soon. Anyway, I just couldn't resist putting it in his face that he's missing out. I told him in a myspace message that I just wanted him to know that he is, that I would have been there in a week's time. Ah wells haha. Maybe he was doing all of that as means of an elaborate plan to get rid of me? Hey, well he can go back to being a loner with his 10 hours a day of videogames and obesity. I am much better off without him. But you know it's weird, she's seen i've out-grown him now. I wonder if she thinks i've done her a favour at all? Now she's with Richy and all. Who knows. Maybe I should ask?

I woke up and couldn't believe it's Thursday already. There aren't many more days left here. It's tres sad :( I mean it. Someone's twitter update said "being around my mom makes me wish I was back at school." I know that my days will be like that, sort of. I was on the phone with her just now and she's like "want to fight?" Lol. Meh, it sucks much. I think it would be good to get a studio apartment if I ever live on my own again. No more kitchen fiasco's, all the freezer space and everything else. It would be good.

I have a bruise on my ankle and I'm hungry. I should go make dinner.
IF the kitchen is free yet!