Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Once A Rebel, Always A Rebel. Don't you forget that.

3ish days until Italy and I'm not feeling the usual getaway hype. I liked when my days consisted of Gilmore Girls, Neighbours, Gossip Girl, cappucinos and I'm A Celebrity... USA, '09. Oh, and the old favourite episodes of Friends; just a week ago. But now there's no hope for that. The movies Seven Pounds and 88 Minutes were good to watch. Escapism is all that's left in life. Shame he doesn't see that for himself. I'm still persisting though.

Becoming addicted to Gossip Girl. Is that a good thing or a bad one? I'm not sure. But I did get to have my cappucino and help my dad with sorting out invoices today. At first I was like 'what the hellz am I doing here?!' But it became clear and I no longer felt like a spazz. Haha. So that was my little contribution today. It kills having them around really. Haven't even started packing. My concentration and focus are elsewhere I guess.

I'm hoping this is my last painful entry before I leave on Friday. So Ciao, I guess. Otherwise I'll have to make 2 more entries for June, because I won't be back until July.