Saturday 17 October 2009

Starflower oil (borage.)

I kind of started up a tumblr and a new LJ, so I'm more frequently on there now. I want to still keep these blogs, so I'll update them every now and then. Even numbers only! Haha. So much has changed inside of me since last weekend when I went to Ireland. It's been a positive and life changing experience. Plus, I remembered the part of me that I'd lost. I'm currently going through weekly ep's of GG, The Hills, The City, Heroes and I may start on DH soon. I also am re-watching all of Buffy and am currently at the end of season one. I need to start figuring out which writing course I want to do and maybe apply through UCAS for next year. Doesn't matter if I decline uni's offers at the end if I want to go travel. But it's always good to keep an open mind. I've started reading again, writing too. It's all good (:

Current book: Angels in my Hair by Lorna Byrne.